Summer Prague Open 2023

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Summer Prague Open 2023

10th International Chess Festival

part of CZECH TOUR 2023 Series

4th — 11th August 2023 Prague, Czech Republic


Place: Olympik hotel ****, Sokolovska 138, Praha 8
Organizer: AVE CHESS
Festival director: Petr Lausman
Chief arbiter: IA Rastislav Diviak (SVK)


Announced tournaments

A) 4th — 11th August 2023: SUMMER PRAGUE OPEN A

  • open master tournament with IM norm, rating for FIDE and DWZ
  • participation of players without age and performance limitations
  • Swiss system of 9 rounds, 2x 1,5 h/40 + 30 min + 30 s/move
  • waiting time 1 h in case of late arrival
  • starting fee in EUR
players accommodated through the organizer other players
GM, IM, WGM and WIM 0 0
ELO FIDE >= 2200 43.5 65
ELO FIDE >= 2000 61 82.5
ELO FIDE >= 1800 78.5 100
ELO FIDE >= 1500 95.5 117
ELO FIDE < 1500 and without ELO FIDE 117 138.5
  • discounts on starting fee: 25 % for FM, youth players up to 18 years of age, players over 65 years of age and women
  • fees for rating of the tournament results for ELO in the amount of 2.5 EUR per player charged according to the economic directive of the Chess Federation of the Czech Republic are not included in the starting fee and will be paid by participants during the registration. The organizer pays these fees for players with GM, IM, WGM and WIM titles
  • players registered after 24th July 2023 pay extra 8.5 EUR
  • financial prizes in CZK: 20 000, 15 000, 10 000, 7 000, 5 000, 3 000, 2 000, 2 000, 1 000, 1 000, best woman 1 000, best senior 60+ 1 000, best youngster U16 1 000, best youngster U12 1 000 (70 000 CZK altogether, from prizes in excess of 10 000 15% tax will be deducted, fusion of prizes is possible)
  • material prizes for other players

B) 4th — 11th August 2023: SUMMER PRAGUE OPEN B

  • open rating tournament with rating for FIDE and DWZ
  • players with ELO FIDE < 2000 and players without ELO FIDE
  • Swiss system of 9 rounds, 2x 1,5 h/40 + 30 min + 30 s/move
  • waiting time 1 h in case of late arrival
  • starting fee in EUR
players accommodated through the organizer other players
ELO FIDE 1500 – 1999 52 73.5
ELO FIDE < 1500 and without ELO FIDE 61 82.5
  • discounts on starting fee: 25 % for youth players up to 18 years of age, players over 65 years of age and women
  • fees for rating of the tournament results for ELO in the amount of 2.5 EUR per player charged according to the economic directive of the Chess Federation of the Czech Republic are not included in the starting fee and will be paid by participants during the registration.
  • players registered after 24th July 2023 pay extra 8.5 EUR
  • financial prizes in CZK: 3 000, 2 000, 1 000, 1 000, 500, 500, best woman 1 000, best senior 60+ 1 000, best youngster U12 1 000, best player with ELO FIDE 1650-1799, 1500-1649, 1300-1499, and < 1300 1 000 (15 000 altogether, fusion of prizes is possible)
  • material prizes for other players

C) 5th August 2023: open tournament in rapid chess

  • participation of players without age and performance limitations
  • rating for rapid ELO FIDE
  • Swiss system of 7 rounds, 2 x 10 min + 5s/move
  • starting fee: youngsters up to 18 years of age, players over 65 and women 6.5 EUR, other players 8.5 EUR
  • fees for rating of the tournament results for ELO in the amount of 0.5 EUR per player charged according to the economic directive of the Chess Federation of the Czech Republic are not included in the starting fee and will be paid by participants during the registration
  • financial prizes in CZK: 2 000, 1 500, 1 000, 500
  • material prizes for other players
  • applications for this tournament are not registered and it is possible to register for it only on the day of launching of the tournament

D) 9th August 2023: open blitz tournament

  • participation of players without age and performance limitations
  • rating for rapid ELO FIDE
  • Swiss system of 11 rounds, 2 x 3 min. + 2s/move
  • starting fee 4.5 EUR
  • fees for rating of the tournament results for ELO in the amount of 0.5 EUR per player charged according to the economic directive of the Chess Federation of the Czech Republic are not included in the starting fee and will be paid by participants during the registration.
  • financial prizes in CZK: 1 500, 1 000, 500
  • material prizes for other players
  • applications for this tournament are not registered and it is possible to register for it only on the day of launching of the tournament

Criteria used for ranking and prizes distribution

  • 1. number of points, 2. Buchholz Cut 1, 3. Buchholz, 4. Sonnenborg-Berger, 5. the greater number of games played with black
  • Prizes in tournaments A and B are distributed according to Hort system among such number of players which corresponds to the number of advertised prizes; prizes in tournaments C and D are not divided


Olympik hotel Artemis ****+

(the playing hall is situated here)

  • single rooms, price including breakfast 74 EUR/room and night
  • double rooms, price including breakfast 87 EUR/room and night
  • triple rooms, price including breakfast 108.5 EUR/room and night

Olympik hotel Congress ****

(the playing hall is situated here)

  • single rooms, price including breakfast 61 EUR/room and night
  • double rooms, price including breakfast 74 EUR/room and night
  • triple rooms, price including breakfast 95.5 EUR/room and night

Olympik hotel Tristar ***

(the playing hall is situated here)

  • single rooms, price including breakfast 56.5 EUR/room and night
  • double rooms, price including breakfast 69.5 EUR/room and night
  • triple rooms, price including breakfast 91.5 EUR/room and night

Accommodated persons over the age of 18 pay the municipal fee in the amount of 50 CZK (~ 2 EUR) / night upon arrival at the reception.


Thu 3/8 17.00—20.00 registration A, B
Fri 4/8 10.00—14.00 registration A, B
16.00 1st round A, B
Sat 5/8 8.30—9.15 registration C
9.30—13.30 tournament C
16.00 2nd round A, B
Sun 6/8 9.00 3rd round A, B
16.00 4th round A, B
Mon 7/8 16.00 5th round A, B
Tue 8/8 16.00 6th round A, B
Wed 9/8 9.15—9.45 registration D
10.00—13.00 tournament D
16.00 7th round A, B
Thu 10/8 16.00 8th round A, B
Fri 11/8 9.00 9th round A, B
15.30 solemn conclusion

Other information


  • Transport connection: The hotel is situated near the city centre (4 metro stations) at a distance of ca. 500 m from the metro station line B Invalidovna.
  • The parking place is situated directly next to the Olympik hotel, the price for participants of our festival is 150 CZK (~ 6.5 EUR) / day.
  • Starting fee and accommodation payments will be collected during the registration in cash in EUR (at the amount given in these regulations), CZK (in the rate 23:1 compared to prices given in these regulations) or USD or by debit and credit cards: Eurocard/Master Card, Maestro, VISA, VISA Electron, JCB or Diners Club
  • Discount on starting fee and accommodation price – 5% discount in 2nd start in the tournament held within the frame of this year CZECH TOUR Series, or 10% in 3rd start, 15% in 4th start etc. (only starts from all tournaments for individuals played with rating min. 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move are counted)
  • By participating in the tournament, the player gives the organizer the right to take photos and videos with his person and to use them.
  • Information and interesting things: www.czechtour.net

Contact to the organizer

AVE CHESS z. s., Strossova 239, 530 03 Pardubice, the Czech Republic
tel. + 420 – 466 535 200
mobile phone + 420 – 608 203 007
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